I currently work as a software consultant and developer at Atomic Object. In this role, I work closely with clients to deliver high-quality custom software solutions. The projects I've worked on serve a range of industries, including retail, manufacturing, and supply chain management.
Custom blog website built with Next.js and Builder.io. Features a custom component library that allows for easy content creation and editing.
"Yet Another Starter Kit." A back-end starter kit for full-stack apps. Dependency injection, code structure enforcement, and more.
Generative art project that uses a hand-drawn aesthetic. Creates a unique piece on each run.
Generative art project that draws a grid (of grids, of grids). Creates a unique piece on each run.
My college capstone project was an app for Hope College's Boerigter Center for Calling and Career. It helps students explore career paths via an interactive map view.
I served as the lead graphic designer for my college's Student Activities Committee. In this role, I created promo materials for events and a marketing & brand guide.
The site you're currently viewing! Built with Remix and Tailwind CSS.
During a summer internship at CQL, I worked with a team to build an internal employee performance tracking tool.